Weekend Ramblings

We had a pretty productive weekend.  We had a friends tractor so we could get the property mowed and cleaned back up.  We had a BABYSITTER for the kids so Dean and I could both be outside cleaning up and mowing.  I can't tell you how big of a deal this was even though we were technically still home, lol!  Fresh air and kiddo free did my soul a lot of good!

Plans for this week were to get everything ready and bought for school and to get this house de-cluttered!!   I don't know about any of y'all but when clutter starts to build in our house, even if it's neatly put somewhere, my anxiety starts to build.   At this point I have so much in my "to sell" pile I'm pretty sure I could open up a small retail space, hahah!  But for real!!  We're too far out for yard sales.. How do you all handle it?!?  I'll be sorting, boxing things up and trying to come up with some plan to sell it or something along those lines.. no matter what it all needs new homes!

"For things to change, I have to change, for things to get better, I have to get better"  -Jim Rohn


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