House Hunting...

So Dean and I have actually been house hunting quite a few times in the last couple of months... just deciding what we wanted to do... want we wanted... and if we were ready for that step again. Don't get me wrong, We're certainly ready for more room... but we're still a little burnt from the last house.

We've made the decision that for the time being we're just going to order a double wide and have it moved to the spot where the single wide we are currently in is sitting. We both want a house but with Dean being the only one with a full steady income we just aren't wanting to take that step yet... baby steps, baby steps, lol! Plus this is certainly cheaper! Even with us customizing it to what we want.

So once we decided what were def going to do the search was on. And the greatest part.... We have found the home we will be ordering one year from now. That gives us plenty of time to make some mock payments to get use to it and save money for our down payment, plus permits and some extras.

All I can say is this "Miss Impatient" is certainly learning some patience! But at least I know what home we are getting and the measurements of everything.. so I do get to shop some for our home-to-be. :)


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