Decisions Decisions

I've been doing a lot of soul searching and still coming up a bit short on an answer..... To have another baby or not? If so, when!?!? We DEF want a second, but I don't think we can afford for me to stay home with both... but then if I go back to work, after daycare expenses and gas I'll be practically paying someone to watch my kids. :( To keep the photography going, or stop?? I LOVE it don't get me wrong... but I feel like with everything else that's going on, all the GREAT photographers out there... I just feel like I'm loosing my sparkle for it. :/ Go back to school or just find a full time job??? ok... well that is the one question I do have a half way answer too, lol! I have an appt at Sanford Brown Institute on Monday morning to tour the campus and meet with an adviser for the Sonography program. But then comes the question of what am I going to do with Zane... we can't afford to put him in daycare full time with just Dean working, but I'm scared that if I do school full time + a full time job that it's just going to be too much... not to mention I'll have to find a job working afternoons/nights. So then I guess depending on the evening hours I may go that route... at least we'll save on the daycare. Everything just seems to be all out of wack and it's driving me nuts!! Dean and I are about to have it out because I'm emotional wreck trying to make some very HARD decisions. I just don't know what I'm suppose to do... just keep praying that one day {SOON} God will just give me the answer... lol... hint hint :) So I may be a little MIA here and there... but promise to try and keep our fun activities updated.... Until next time.....


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