Despicable Me
Ok... so not going to go into the details.. but Dean was home from work today after thinking he had lost his wallet. We did find his wallet so all is well there. Kim and I are planning on going to the Itchetucknee on Wed and Dean wanted to go too but couldn't get off so we were going to try and go today... but well... being hot pink and all I didn't think that would be such a wise idea, lol! So after talking to Kim... off to the movies to see Despicable Me. I must say.. it was a cute movie, but just not as good as I thought it would be... and well Zane apparently felt the same way... he did NOT sit through the entire movie... by the end he was talking so much that Dean took him out of the theater, lol! The boy did pile down some popcorn {we had to get a refill!} After the movie we hit up Cami Cakes and then of course Target where Aunt Kim found Zane some dress up pirate and construction stuff :)