Life is Grand

Thanks so much to Barbara from Never2Late2Save for awarding me the "Life is Grand Award!"

Okay so lets see 5 Reasons why I think Life is Grand:

1.Life is grand because I've been saved by the blood of Christ and I can do all things through him!!!! No matter what your going through He's always there!

2.Life is grand because I have the most loving and supporting husband anyone could ever ask for!

3.Life is grand because I have a beautiful son that I would trade for anything. I love him more than I ever imagined possible!

4.Life is grand because I'm getting to do what I love and getting to be a SAHM at the same time!

5.Life is grand because I have some friends that are so supportive and there when I need them.

I'm passing this on to these 5 bloggers, in no particular order:

1.Abbi @ A Tid Bit of the Taylor's
2.Amy @ Let's Talk Thompsonisms
3.Candy @ My Little Cabbage
4.Tara @ The Libby's
5.Kristin @ The Pickett's


Abbi said…
thank you very much!!!
AmyT said…
awlll thank you!!!!!!!

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